Albie Jack
Albie was born in Papunya in 1968. He is the son of Ikuntji Artists’ founding member Eunice Napanangka Jack and Gideon Tjupurrula Jack. Eunice was born in Lupul in the Sir Frederick Ranges, and travelled to Haasts Bluff with her parents as a child during ration days. Gideon was born in Wilkinkarra (Lake Mackay) at Pinarri and also came into Haasts Bluff in the 1940s. Both, Eunice and Gideon, began painting at Ikuntji Womens Centre (now Ikuntji Artists) since its opening in 1992.
Albie has three siblings: his older brother Tutuma Jack, younger brother Zakius Jack and their deceased sister, Marlee Jack. Albie grew up surrounded by art as both of his parents and his grandparents (Papunya Tula Artists founding member Tutuma Jack is his grandfather) are acclaimed artists. He went to school at Papunya and Haasts Bluff school. After primary school Albie began working for the Haasts Bluff Council at the garage where he worked as a mechanic and helped to keep the community tidy. Albie has one daughter with artist Sonia Jugadai. Their daughter, young Eunice, has two children.
Albie has been working at Ikuntji Artists since 2015. During this time he has experimented with a variety of media, including screen-printing and photography. He also undertook a course through Batchelor Institute of Tertiary Indigenous Education with Jeffrey Jackson, where they learnt to make clothing and design their own fabric.
In 2015/16, Albie travelled with the art centre and his mother, Eunice Napanangka Jack to Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair, where he worked. Albie says it was the first and only time he has travelled on an aeroplane.
Albie is a proud grandfather and enjoys working in the studio with his mother and living with his family out at their outstation close to Haasts Bluff.
Haasts Bluff
Past Exhibitions
2022 Weaving Culture II: Ikuntji Artists, IDAIA, Lyon, France., 9 Jun - 9 July
2018 Central Australian Aboriginal Textiles, Tangentyere Artists Gallery, Alice Springs.
2017 2017 Desart Photography Prize, Alice Springs.
2017 Desert Mob, Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs.
2017 From Country to Couture Indigenous Fashion Parade Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair, Darwin.
2016 Desart Photography Prize Exhibition, Tangentyere Gallery, Alice Springs.
2016 The 20th Alice Springs Beanie Festival Exhibition, Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs.