FNFD x MFF – Melbourne Fashion Festival pop up 2021
Ended — at Melbourne Central

Ikuntji Artists are excited to be involved in the MFF x FNFD Pop up Melbourne Central as part of this years Melbourne Fashion Festival. The pop up will be held at Melbourne Central Shopping centre.
You will find bags from our newly released FFF X Ikuntji Range plus lots of incredible fashion and accessories by First Nations designers.
FNFD Pop up as part of @melbournefashionfestival located on Level 2 in Melbourne Central
Proudly partnered with @gptgroup + @creativevic
#firstnationsfashiondesign #firstnationspopup #gptgroup #lcimelbourne #creativevic
More information
Visit event website.
Date & Time
Melbourne Central
Pop Up Location: Level 2. Cnr La Trobe St &, Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia