Museum Project
Since 2017 Ikuntji Artists have been able to visit, engage and research Luritja Collections held in museums[NR1] , galleries and collection across Australia and Europe. This project was proudly funded by the Australian Council for the Arts as part of the Chosen Project Funding
Read more about the trips here:
Alice Springs, Sydney and Canberra 2017
The project aims at connecting artists from Ikuntji with the objects of their ancestors held in various collections around the world. The connections created have resulted in a myriad of projects, including but not limited to
The Story Necklace exhibition at the South Australian Museum
Desert Mob Symposium 2020
In July 2020, Desart came out to Ikuntji/Haasts Bluff to film for the 2020 Desert Mob Symposium. Walter Jugadai and Keturah Zimran talked about their trip to Germany and Switzerland earlier this year. Please enjoy theses films below.
Men’s Museum Story
Ikuntji Artists, Walter Jugadai and Jeffery Zimran recently travelled overseas as part of the Art Centre’s long term museum story. They visited collections held in international museums, providing information and identifying objects from other language groups. Both are very clear about their desire to have these powerful Tjukurrpa objects returned to Australia.
Women’s Museum Story
Artist and Art worker Kelly Dixon and artist Keturah Zimran of Ikuntji Artists discuss the Museum project, where they have gone and viewed, identified and provided information about Luritja objects held in national and international collections. The Museum project holds mixed emotions for the artists as the artefacts have been made by their own people but are held in overseas collections.
This culturally significant work depends on funding to travel, visit and experience the collections but also to hold meetings in community to bring elders together and examine the photographs taken of objects during these trips.
If you would like to support this project please contact us via email fineart@ikuntji.com.auor via phone 08 8956 8783.