Beryl Jimmy
Beryl Jimmy is a Pitjantjatjara woman living at the community settlement of Watarru, in the far northwest of South Australia, part of an area referred to as the Western desert. She was born in 1970. Beryl’s work is inspired by a deep connection to country, and her spiritual links to the desert are expressed with integrity, beauty and creativity. Traditional knowledge of food collection and water sources were vital for survival in this dynamic desert landscape and is a prominent theme in her work.
This cultural knowledge is handed down orally in the retelling of the Tjukurpa (traditional stories of the ancestor’s journeys), which not only sustains Anangu (Aboriginal people) physically, but socially and spiritually.
Tjukurpa painting depicts a fragment of a larger story, a living history where an ancestor was involved in creating country. Individuals have authority and ownership of this land and the associated sites and stories. The maintenance of this country is paramount to artists of Watarru and they continue to care and manage the land with respect and responsibility.
Past Exhibitions
2021 Dessin du territoire – Territoire du dessin / Land drawing – Land of drawing, Australian Embassy in Paris, France., , 6 October 2021 to 7 January 2022.
2021 Painting Now – Peindre aujourd’hui en terres aborigènes, Archives municipales in the Fort de Tourneville, France., 10 July – 7th November 2021
2021 Land Drawing – Drawing of the Lan, Les Jardins Suspendus, Le Havre, France., 3 July - 3 September 2021
2020 Walipan / Puli Puli (Weaving & Rocks), Northern Centre for Contemporary Art Vimy Lane, Darwin.
2019 2019 AIATSIS Indigenous Art Market, Canberra.
2017 Kuwaritja, ReDot Fine Art Gallery, Singapore.
2016 Walkatjunanyi Inmaku, ReDot Fine Art Gallery, Singapore.
2016 Palya: Nyapari Now, Short St Gallery, Broome.
2016 Empreintes Eternelles, Aboriginal Signature, Estrangin Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium.
2016 I am Drawing in the Sand, Outstation Gallery, Darwin.
2015 Good Together, Short St Gallery, Broome.
2014 Mangkurpa (3), ReDot Fine Art Gallery, Singapore.
2013 The Womens Show, Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne.
2013 Tjukutjuku walka walka walka walka walka pulka tjurkurpa, Outstation, Darwin.
2013 Spinifex Country, Flinders University City Gallery, State Library of South Australia, Adelaide.
2012 Tjintu Kutjupa Tjintu Kutupa - Desert Days, ReDot Fine Art Gallery, Singapore.
2012 Minymaku Ara - Womens Way, Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne.
2012 Tjukurpa Wangka: Storytellers, Short St Gallery, Broome.
2012 New Paintings, Chapman Gallery, Canberra.
2012 Tjungu Palya, Marshall Arts, Adelaide.
2012 APY Lands Survey Exhibition, Outstation Gallery, Darwin.
2012 Shalom Gamarada Art Fair, Shalom Gamarada Art Fair, Woollahra, Sydney.
2011 Tjungu Palya Tjukurpa, Chapman Gallery, Canberra.
2011 Tjungu Palya 2012
2010 Tjungu Palya, Aboriginal and Pacific Arts, Sydney.
2010 Tjukurpa Manta, Raft Artspace, Alice Springs.
2010 Tjungu Palya - Masterpieces, Chapman Gallery, Canberra.
2010 Desert Mob 2011, Araluen Art Gallery, Alice Springs.
2010 Wati Kalaya: Celebrating the work and life of Jimmy Baker, Raft Artspace, Alice Springs.
2010 Tjungu Palya Minymaku Tjukurpa, Vivien Anderson Gallery, Melbourne.
2010 Our Mob, Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide.
2010 Watarru Tjukurpa, Outstation Gallery, Darwin.
2009 Tjungu Palya Survey Show, Short St Gallery, Broome.
2009 Inma Mantangka Ngarinyi - Song of the Land, Putipula Gallery, Noosa.
2009 Tjukurpa, Outstation Gallery, Darwin.
2008 Wanampiku Munu Kalayaku Ngura, Chapman Gallery, Canberra.
2008 Kulini Ngura - Knowing Country, Short St Gallery, Broome.
2008 Tali Tjintiri - Tjintiri Munu Kapi Tjukula, Tjungu Palya Print Show, Nomad Gallery, Reflection Room, Holiday Inn, Darwin.
2007 Tjungu Palyaku Warka Nyuwana, ReDot Fine Art Gallery, Singapore.
2007 Generation Next, Randell Lane Fine Art, Perth.
2006 Watarru Tjukurpa, Randell Lane Fine Art, Perth.
2006 Drawing Together, National Archives, Canberra.
2005 Desert Mob, Araluen Gallery, Alice Springs.
2005 Anangu Backyard, Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide.
- Deakin University, Melbourne.
- Flinders University, Adelaide.
- National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
- The Beat Knoblacuch Collection, Switzerland.
- The Lepley Collection, Perth.
- Parliament House, Adelaide.
- Primary Industry and Resources, Adelaide.
- Department of Environment and Heritage.
- Australian National University, Canberra.
- The Parliament House Collection, Canberra.
- University of Canberra, Canberra.