Annual General Meeting 2017

Ended — at Ikuntji Artists

Ikuntji Artists is holding its Annual General Meeting for 2017 on 20-12-2017 at 10 am

Annual General Meeting

All members of the corporation are advised that an annual general meeting of members will take place as follows:

Wednesday 20th of December 2017

at 10 am

Ikuntji Art Centre


1.         Appointment of chair, interpreter and minute taker for the meeting

2.         Present and Apologies

3.         Confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting (AGM) and matters arising

5.         Corporation reports (Manager’s report, financial report and auditor’s report)

6.         Appointment of the auditor for the next financial year and their fee

7.         Election of directors

8.         Any other business


Ikuntji Artists
Lot 53
Haasts Bluff, NT 0872